Soku Summary Pack

Soku Summary Pack v1.9 Image formSoku Summary Pack v1.9
[Quick reference guide to understanding Touhou 12.3: Hisoutensoku.]

Download v1.9

This is a little guide project I had for some time for the danmaku fighter game Touhou 12.3: Hisoutensoku (Also known as Soku or by the bad and
improper translation “UNL – Unthinkable Natural Law” and the like). As a note, Hisoutensoku is an expansion of TH 10.5: Hisouten, hence the nickname Soku, to differentiate.

The pack covers mainly game mechanic factsSoku Sum Text form example that you may not understand without being told. It’s essentially a crash course and a quick reference. The main info comes in 2 forms, being a word doc text form and a png image form. I prefer the image form, as it works as a cheat sheet, and you can quickly find the subject area (even if it just appears messy at first). The text form, on the other hand, has links (internal and external) and allows you to do searches. Also included is a Weather doc, which goes over the specifics of each of the 20 weathers (related loosely to the 20 characters). It has some helps with memorization, like color-coding, character relation, original meaning in Japanese, and a quick summary of the major effects. Much of what is inSoku Sum Weather doc example these documents is verified or reasonably verified by myself.

See my TH12.3 wiki page for details on the pack, as well as general game info around the wiki.

If you’re interested in playing with others online, there are a few places you can go. I frequent Soku Lobby [* program now offline, moved to a Discord channel Gensokyo Lobby and requiring invite as of late 2016], and there is an IRC #Hisouten, both of which you can look up. I’ve also heard there are threads in /v/ if you brave 4chan (though I’ve also heard they’re bait by better players to crush newbies, so don’t be surprised).